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what3words is a simple way to talk about precise location. We have divided the world into 3 metre squares and assigned each one a unique combination of 3 words - a what3words address. This means that anywhere in the world can be found using 3 easy-to-remember and easy-to-share dictionary words.

The free what3words app and map-site are used by millions of people, businesses, governments, charities and NGOs around the world to improve efficiencies, enhance customer experience and keep people safe. Our core technology (Public API and offline SDKs) is built into geographic information systems, car sat-navs, navigation apps and command and control software. Checkout pages accept what3words addresses for customer deliveries and hotels, travel guides and businesses provide their what3words address on contact pages and booking confirmations to help visitors find them more easily. Importantly, >80% of UK emergency services use what3words to help them locate and respond to 999 incidents.

Studio 301
Great Western Studios
65 Alfred Road
W2 5EU
020 3582 0343


Organisation Type:

University of Edinburgh



Topolytics is confronting this systemic problem using data analytics to make the world’s waste visible, verifiable and valuable. Its WasteMap® analytics platform addresses the data deficit in the waste sector by ingesting, cleaning and analysing data on materials and by-products at scale. It generates insights for waste producers, the waste industry and government, that enable greater materials recovery, drive operational efficiencies, support investment strategies, enhance transparency and reduce carbon emissions through the WasteChain. Topolytics is acknowledge by IDC, Cleantech Group and Frost & Sullivan as a leading AI and analytics player in the €2Bn ‘waste tech’ sector. Topolytics is working with SAP after winning the CE2030 competition (2019) to find a commercial technology that can enable the circular economy. WasteMap® is also at the centre of the UK government’s prototype mandatory waste tracking system.

Argyle House
3 Lady Lawson Street

Organisation Type:


Tin Rocket Space Ltd

Tin Rocket Space Ltd

European Space Agency (ESA) Space Solutions provides funding for organisations developing innovative products and services that solve problems using Space technologies including GPS and Satellite data. We welcome applications from all sectors. The support level is usually 50% and there is a simple form to complete to start the process. Tin Rocket Space Ltd. manages the ESA Business Ambassador service covering Scotland and Northern Ireland and we are here to help you make a good business decision by helping you understand the funding application process and giving you advice on your application should you decide to proceed.

1/2 48 Mount Stuart Street
G41 3LZ
07939 803360


Organisation Type:


ThinkWhere Limited

ThinkWhere Limited

thinkWhere provides geospatial data, products and services based on the use of open source technology and open data. We cover the GB market with a focus on land & property, forestry, infrastructure and public services. We provide an end to end service from strategy, business/technical consultancy, data management, software development, Saas and DaaS products/services, training and technical support.

8-10 Corn Exchange Road


Organisation Type:



Developing collaborative partnerships of businesses, academics, public sector organisations and NGOs/Charities that utilise enabling technologies to address sustainable development.

Particular skills include ideation, networking and cluster/consortium building

Alexandra Terrace
IV36 1DL
0774 333 4585

Organisation Type:


StatMap Ltd

StatMap Ltd

StatMap is a software house specialising in web-based enterprise GIS, addressing, case management systems, and location based services.

18 Halmyre Loan
Romanno Bridge
West Linton
EH46 7DN
0844 376 4321


Organisation Type:

Space Intelligence Ltd

Space Intelligence Ltd

Space Intelligence is a climate-tech start-up based in Edinburgh. We use satellite data and artificial intelligence to provide insight for supporting nature-based solutions and sustainable finance. Our core products are aboveground biomass and land cover maps which support baseline assessment and performance MRV for the voluntary carbon market. We also are developing opportunity mapping, a pre-project screening that helps investors identify and fund project origination in areas which offer high potential for nature restoration. In addition, we are developing value-added products to support biodiversity, including landscape connectivity metrics derived from our landcover maps. Our target market includes developers and investors in nature-based solutions and financial institutions interested in sustainability-linked finance, compliance and mitigation.

93 George Street
Regus Building
0131 573 7599

Organisation Type:



SmartRural is a user owned, agriculture focused Cooperative, delivering true 'outside in' Rural Digital Connectivity to allow technology to deliver improvements
for residents and businesses in the rural setting. We work with the full spectrum of rural stakeholders - individuals, businesses, infrastructure owners, agencies etc -
to help them understand and value, what data can do for them and how they can 'Work Smarter, not Harder'. In parallel we will deploy the infrastructure which will enable the data to flow through a sustainable business model that works 'Outside in'

SmartRural has deployed an ever growing LoRaWAN TTI Network, allowing the development and deployment of IoT driven use cases without the need to invest in and maintain your own rural network.

The Rural Centre
West Mains
EH28 8NZ
0789 441 4512

Organisation Type:

Sky-Pin Drones Ltd

Sky-Pin Drones Ltd

Sky-Pin Drones Ltd, is a data capture solutions company using RTK-GPS drone technology in the agricultural and environmental sectors, based in the Scottish Borders and cover the whole of Scotland. Working closely with an ecologist and farm environmental management expert (Tony Seymour from The Farm Environment Ltd), enables a great combination and insight in the use and implementation of new technology into the wider farming environment. I use an RTK-GPS positioning drone and base station to ensure these maps are highly accurate and the outputs are compatible with ARC-GIS, QGIS and other GEO-spatial software solutions. Clients use these maps for evidencing work carried out such as the measurement of a newly created pond area for the Agri-Environmental Scheme and other work, such as: - • Peatland mapping, digital twin, project management of renovation • Farmland irrigation, drainage • Pond and wetland creation • Field boundary analysis • Hedge and fence line management and measurement • Mapping and collating data on biodiversity Peatland restoration In peatland restoration I have been pushing boundaries on how restoration efficiencies can be improved by the implementation of a highly accurate GPS enabled peatland digital twin concept (3D model of a peatland area). This has been welcomed by many involved, one client commented “a game changer” in peatland restoration. The 3D digital twin is an exact digital replica of the peatland and can be manipulated to any angle, zoomed in, measurements taken, and areas calculated. When walking a peatland, it is very easy to miss areas requiring attention. With this model concept, one can view all the areas, from a laptop, prioritise and plan, enabling extremely efficient project management and resource allocation. Multispectral sensors By the creation of a vegetation indices using the multispectral data and aerial orthomosaic maps, the analysis of crop health and the identification of drainage issues can be done. Up to 7 zones can be created with this this data with a field. These zones are created by the multispectral index data values, higher values represent better crop health. These zones are measured (Ha), with average index value rate given, you have a facility to set a variable rate prescription for delivery of a substance (pesticide, fertiliser, seeds) over these zones.

7 Abbotsford Road
07979 793132


Organisation Type:
