Geospatial Skills Survey
Geospatial is flourishing with growing interest across a range of sectors and government. But can we meet the future UK demand for skilled professionals?
Anecdotal evidence indicates that there are skills and recruitment challenges within the sector, however further analysis is necessary to uncover where the gaps lie and how the sector can meet the future UK demand for skilled professionals.
Location Data Scotland are working with the University of Edinburgh and AGI Scotland to undertake research with our individual networks across the geospatial landscape to be able to assess this further.
If you are working across industry, academia, public sector or third sector and have an opinion on this area, we would invite you to complete the survey here.
A round-table workshop involving partners, enablers, providers, potential employers will be held later this year to begin collectively addressing the challenges. The outcomes of the round-table discussions will be fed back to key stakeholders including organisations such as Skills Development Scotland to help shape the skills agenda.
Bruce Gittings, Senior Lecturer in Geographical Information at University of Edinburgh, said:
“This survey represents an important step in a partnership between LDS and AGI Scotland to galvanise action on geospatial training and skills. We are looking to understand the needs and opportunities for a new and diverse group of people to work in our industry and help build Scotland as an international hub for geospatial talent and business.”